Elite Team

2024 Fall Elite Team Training Schedule

We strongly encourage elite team players take at least 2 team trainings and 1 private lesson or sparring lesson.

Tryouts are available if you would like to be part of our team!

  • Ladder: Game practice (double/singles) + Fitness.   Players must attend min 2 group lessons/week, shuttles will be provided for an additional $96 in cash.  
  • Ladder fee only $10 cash for existing student’s partner/s from outside club/s.
  • Fitness: Aiming for the students who participate in National/Provincial tournaments only.
  • All students are required to pay $240 extra (2024.09 – 2025.05 Ontario Junior A, B, C tournaments coaching fee + club T shirt).
  • 5% off for siblings.
  • No Class on Monday Oct 14, 2024 (Thanksgiving Day).
  • Coaches can be substituted when required during the duration of the term.