HEAD Coach
As a former Shanghai Badminton Team player, Coach Su has won numerous Men’s Singles and Mixed Doubles championship titles at the National Badminton Open Games and Pan-University Games in China. Su has been the assistant coach of world-level coach, Jiang Yongyi. Su was also the chairman of the University Badminton Association of Shanghai. Later on, Su moved to Japan to further pursuit his coaching career. Being a member of Badminton Association of Japan, he coached at Yamagata University Badminton Club. Throughout his nearly thirty years devoted in badminton, Su has developed a unique teaching method, always aiming to explore students’ inherent potential and to fully develop their athletic ability. Coach Su strives to achieve his goals in influencing people to play more badminton, connecting people to meet, greet and bond with like-minded badminton enthusiasts, also helping players to strengthen their fitness and to develop their self-confidence. 苏荣教练曾是上海市羽毛球队主力队员,多次获得中国和大学生男子单打及混合双打冠军,并担任过世界级教练蒋永谊的助手,更是上海大学生羽毛球协会第一届名誉主席。后赴日本担任山形大学羽毛球俱乐部教练,并且是日本羽毛球协会会员。在接近三十年的运动和教学生涯中,苏教练创造了一套独特的教学方法,用特殊的眼光来发掘和培养学生内在的体育天赋,同时也达到以球娱乐,以球会友,以球培养自信,以球锻炼身体,以球健美的目标
- Certified NCCP Level 1 (National Coaching Certification Program in Canada)
- 1989 – 1994 Member of Japan Badminton Association, Coach of Yamagata University Badminton
- 1987 – 1988 Chairman of University Badminton Association of Shanghai
- 1985 – 1988 First National University Championship – Singles & Mixed Doubles Champion
- 1982 – 1985 Work with world-class Coach Jiang Yongyi as his Assistant Coach
- 1980 – 1982 Shanghai Team(China) National Youth Championship – Double – SILVER MEDALIST
- 1975 – 1979 Shanghai(China) Junior Singles & Doubles Champion