
2018 SUBC Championships Draws and Regulations

Jun 21, 2018

Tournament Date: June 23, 2018

Rules & Regulations

  • All events will be playing on June 23 Saturday, first round of matches will be started at 9.00 a.m. Please check the tournament schedule for details.
  • Check-in & warm up starts at 8.30 a.m.
  • All players should be ready to play 15 minutes prior to their first scheduled match. 2 MINS warm-up time will be given.
  • Each event will be run on a Main Round and Consolation Round format: Players who WIN their first match will continue to play in Main Round, Players who LOST their first match will be in Consolation Round. Depending on the number of entries and the size of the draw, players may be entered into a Round Robin format.
  • All Main round and Consolation round matches will be two (2) out of three (3) games to 21 points with rally point scoring extended to 30 points.
  • Winners MUST report to the draw desk immediately after their match and bring the shuttlecock back to draw desk
  • Prizes:
    a. Gold and Silver medals will be awarded to the Main Round Champion and Finalists
    b. Bronze medals will be awarded to Consolation winners

Attention all players: Please make sure you pay your entry fee prior to the Championships (Entry Fee: $20 for 1 event, $25 for 2 events)



  • 全部男双、女双及混双赛事将于623(星期六)举行。首轮赛事于上午9时开始。详情请参阅比赛时间表。
  • 报到及暖身:从上午830分开始。
  • 所有参加者必须于第一场预定比赛时间前15分钟到达现场准备妥当。比赛前有2分钟warm up时间
  • 所有项目均设有Main Round Consolation Round:于第一场比赛中胜出的参加者将继续于Main Round 进行竞赛;于第一场比赛中落败的参加者将于Consolation Round继续进行竞赛。视乎参加人数而定,若干比赛项目可能会以Round Robin 形式进行。
  • Main round Consolation round 赛事均采用32胜的21分制(假如分数到达29平分,先取得30 分的一方将赢得该局比赛)
  • 每场比赛的胜出者必须在比赛结束后立即前往draw desk报告分数,并把羽毛球交回draw desk
  • 奖品:
    a. Main Round 的冠军及亚冠将会分别获颁赠金牌及银牌
    b. Consolation Round的胜出者将会获颁赠铜牌

请注意!参加者必须于比赛前缴交参赛费用 (参赛费用:一个项目$20, 两个项目$25)。