
COVID-19 Su Badminton Club Re-opening Protocols

May 17, 2020

The health and safety of our guests/members & employees is paramount for us. As we prepare to reopen on Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 at 1.00 pm, we will be operating under several strict safety precautions, and with limited services. The following protocols have been developed to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Therefore, there are few things that we will be doing differently, and we would like you to be aware of these prior to/upon your visit. It is essential that these precautions are followed through to support a safe and healthy experience for everyone. 


  • Only private, semi-private or 1:4 (2 students per court) training arrangements will be accepted at this time till further notice.
  • All lessons will be conducted at an appropriate social distance.
  • Parents/guardians of all players must wait in their vehicles after dropping them at the facility.
  • Parents/guardians are advised to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the lesson and pick up time.

Court Rental & Drop In:

  • As mandated by Provincial guidelines which calls for “No Team Sports”, only Singles play is permitted at this time until further notice.
  • Court rentals for members in the same household (family of 4) are permitted to engage as teams on their respective court/s.
  • All drop-in programs remain suspended until further notice.
  • All court rentals must be scheduled in advance over the phone. Spaces will be limited and on first call first serve basis. No walk ins will be accepted at this time. 

General Safety & Housekeeping:

  • Upon arrival, check in at front desk to validate your reserved time, sanitize your hands (provided at the front desk) before you step onto your designated court/s.
  • Frequent disinfection of surfaces including door handles, knobs, etc. will be performed by the staff.
  • Following safety protocols, use of change rooms and bathrooms will be on a restricted basis. Players are encouraged to switch to their game attire before walking inside.
  • Shoes are still to be changed inside the facility upon your arrival.
  • If you exhibit any flu like symptoms, stay home and follow the safety guidelines as provided by your municipality.
  • As responsible individuals, sanitize your hands frequently, avoid handshakes and close contact with others, always maintain 2 meters/6 feet distance .
  • As per govt. regulation, no spectators, including family members, are permitted inside the facility until further notice.

The recommendations and guidelines in this document are not legal advice. Please refer to municipal and provincial health authorities for more info. All information is provided in good faith; however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information provided. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL WE HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE INFORMATION OR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED. YOUR USE OF THIS INFORMATION AND YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.



苏氏羽毛球俱乐部将于2020年5月19日 (星期二) 下午1:00 重新开放,所有会员/球员和员工的健康和安全对我们而言至关重要。以下的规定与注意事项有助于减低传播COVID-19的风险,请大家务必遵守下列的规定与预防措施,以确保每个人可以安心及安全地使用俱乐部场地。



  • 目前仅接受一对一、一对二、或一对四 (两人一个场地) 的课程安排,直至另行通知
  • 所有课程将在适当的社交距离下进行
  • 所有家长/监护人不可在俱乐部内等候孩子下课,若有需要请在自家车内等候
  • 为减少停留在球馆时间,请家长/监护人勿提早或延迟接送超过10分钟


  • 根据省级强制性要求,现阶段“禁止团体运动”,这段期间一个场地仅允许2人使用(限单打),直至另行通知
  • 对于同一家庭而言(一家四口),可允许他们在其场地内对打
  • 此阶段不接受Drop-in,直至另行通知
  • 如要订场,必须提前来电预约。名额有限,先到先得。目前暂不接受任何未预约的walk-in租场


  • 会员或球员抵达后,请在前台核实您的订场时间,并在进入指定场地前消毒双手(前台提供)
  • 工作人员将定期对所有常接触的表面进行消毒,例如门把手、桌子等等
  • 根据安全指引,更衣室和洗手间的使用将受到限制。建议各位在入场前先换好球衣
  • 您仍可在球场内更换鞋子
  • 如果您出现类似流感的症状,请留在家里并遵守政府提供的安全准则
  • 为了个人与他人的安全,请经常消毒双手,并避免与他人握手和有紧密接触,以及保持2米/ 6英尺的距离
  • 按照政府规定,除非另行通知,否则不允许球场内有任何观众(包括家庭成员在内)






Su Badminton Club
170 Shields Court, Unit 1, Markham, ON L3R 9T5

#6, 4140B Sladeview Crt., Mississauga, ON L5L 6A1